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Try AI detector to detect your text
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AI Detector
Plagiarism Checker
of text is likely AI-generated
AI Generated
Human Written
Bypass the top AI Detectors by Humanizing your Text!
Try Bypass AI DetectorCudekai rewrites any content into human-like readable text. Get plagiarism-free & undetectable content that bypasses all AI detectors.
In short, no, there isn’t any technology right now that can detect AI-generated text with 100% accuracy. As AI models get better, they try to write like humans, making it hard for detection tools to be completely accurate. If a website claims it can detect AI content perfectly, that’s not true. These tools trained on large datasets of AI and human text to predict whether the text is AI written or human written. Sometimes, human writing looks very similar to AI-generated text, which can confuse these tools. However, many tools on the market achieve very good accuracy, and Cudekai’s ChatGPT Detection tool is one of them, boasting over 90% accuracy across all languages when detecting AI-generated text. You can share your thoughts on it, so students, teachers, and writers can benefit from using it.
Cudekai’s ChatGPT detector is trained on large AI-generated and human-written content instead of simply predicting AI content by using perplexity and burstiness. The Cudekai team carefully collected data in different languages from various sources like Kaggle and trained their model on them to accurately predict AI-generated text with good accuracy. Teachers and writers can confidently use the Cudekai ChatGPT detector, and if it highlights some part, then that means there is a probability of AI generation.
The Cudekai ChatGPT Detector is a powerful tool designed to assist various users like writers, teachers, and students in identifying AI-generated content.
Writers can use this detector to check that their work is original. This helps them produce unique content that rank well on search engine.
Teachers can use the Cudekai ChatGPT Detector to review student assignments for originality and ensure that students are not relying too heavily on AI-generated writing. This helps teachers encourage students to think for themselves and develop their own writing skills.
BStudents can benefit from this tool by checking their own work before turning it in. It helps them make sure their ideas are original and avoids accidental AI Detection and plagiarism.